Alpine Resorts Victoria is committed to supporting the self-determination of the Traditional Owners of alpine country and recognises Traditional Owners as the original custodians of the land in alpine resorts.
The alpine country within Victoria is part of an Aboriginal cultural landscape. This includes the traditional Country of 3 Registered Aboriginal Parties;
- Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation within lands of the Mount Baw Baw and Mount Hotham resorts.
- Taungurung Land and Waters Council within lands of the Lake Mountain, Mount Buller, Mount Stirling and Mount. Hotham resorts
- Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation within lands of the Lake Mountain resort.
There are other Traditional Owner and First Nations Groups who also have connection to and assert interest and rights in alpine country. Alpine Resorts Victoria is committed to partnering with Traditional Owners and First Nations people in the management of all resorts.

Page last updated: 26/05/23