
  • Chair: Julia Street, General Manager, ARV Mt Baw Baw
  • Matthew Yound - Ski Hire Pty Ltd
  • Paul Proctor - Mt Baw Baw Stakeholders Association
  • Leona Turra - Mt Baw Baw Stakeholders Association
  • Richard Reid - Tanjil Lodge and Mount Baw Baw Ski Hire
  • Melissa Langstaff - Baw Baw Shire Council
  • Terry Robinson - Destination Gippsland

Contact the Mt Baw Baw SCC Chair:

Key themes

The SCC will produce a public Key Themes document after each meeting, outlining the main points of discussion for sharing with the wider resort stakeholder community. The current Key Themes document is available below.

Mt Baw Baw SCC key themes 17 April 2024

Mt Baw Baw SCC February meeting key themes

Meeting dates


12 June

7 August

2 October

28 November

Page last updated: 28/06/24